Rehabs near Rochester

Rochester is the third largest city in New York with a population just over 200,000. Like the population centers in other states struggling with drug use, Rochester mirrors many of the issues that New York at large faces. Opioids are a primary struggle in the area, and data shows that it affects people in Rochester of all ages, from below 20 to above 80. The range of ages affected in the city are unfortunately supported by the amount of opioid deaths they see each year. Losses peaked in 2017 at 220 and have dropped in the following years down to 181 in 2019. This trend is heartening. Fentanyl is by far the most problematic drug in the area, being found in nearly 95% of the overdose deaths involved the synthetic opioid. Meth has also reared its ugly head in Rochester. Law enforcement officers have run multiple raids and drug busts on meth labs in the area and are now focusing resources on cutting down on trafficking. Many states and cities have passed legislation changing the prescription requirements for the drugs commonly used to make meth, which has gone a long way in shutting down domestic meth labs. It’s the threat of people smuggling drugs in from Mexico for distribution that requires action now. Addiction in any form should be met with professional help and compassion. If you experience addiction or someone you know does, reach out to a qualified treatment provider today to talk about options.

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