Rehabs near Phoenix
The 5th most populous city in the United States is sunny Phoenix, Arizona. The bustling metropolis has over one million residents and is considered the soul of the Southwest. The beautiful city is only 4 hours away from the famous Grand Canyon and filled with acres of desert preserves. Phoenix's warm weather, incredible outdoor adventures, and growing nightlife have made it a popular spot among tourists. Unfortunately, the city is battling a public health crisis. Like many cities across the nation, Phoenix is facing an Opioid epidemic. The growing metropolis has the highest rates of drug abuse within the state. On average, Opioids kill about 70 people a month. Phoenix's proximity to the Mexican border makes it a hot spot for drug trafficking among cartels. The city's drug abuse problems seem grim, but there is hope. Phoenix has several state-of-the-art addiction treatment centers ready to help anyone battling addiction. Check out some local facilities.
Cities in Arizona