Rehabs near Allentown
Allentown is not only the third largest city in Pennsylvania, but the fastest growing according to population statistics. As a burgeoning big city, Allentown struggles with many of the same issues as Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Each city in Pennsylvania struggles with substance use and Allentown struggles with opioid, cocaine, and alcohol use in particular. The trend across the state showed that opioid use, while still killing hundreds each year, was on the decline. Due to COVID-19, the rate of overdose deaths seems to be sliding back up. Lehigh Valley, where Allentown is located, is seeing increases in substance use across the board because of the kind of isolation and economic stress that people are facing due to the pandemic. Stories of people losing their job or getting injured and turning to drugs to self-medicate are all too common, and unfortunately some result in loved one dying due to their substance use disorder. Police are doing their best to seize drugs en route to Allentown in order to limit the supply available, and even though they may have the occasional success, trafficking efforts have redoubled in recent years as local supplies dried up. Don’t let yourself or one of your loved ones be the next headline. Please reach out for help from nearby treatment centers where they can advise you on what to do next.
Cities in Pennsylvania